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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams*

My grandma sent me off to college with my first Chicken Soup for the Soul book - with a secret $100 tucked inside.

Too homesick to attend orientation activities, I spent my first weekend of school in my bed, crying and reading the essays of students who had gone before me and figured it out. When I finished the last essay of the book, I dried my tears and went about the business of finding my way in college life. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be, but I knew I was a writer. I hoped one day someone would hold a Chicken Soup book with my words in them and feel a bit of the comfort I found in those pages.

It was an honor to have my essay, "What They'll Remember," featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams. My essay centers on a dream I had at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown and how that dream taught me to approach the pandemic as a mama. I am working with their team on another book coming out in the fall.

Today, Amy Newmark herself shared a little insight into my story on the Chicken Soup for the Soul podcast. Listen here as she shares six ways you can use your dreams.

Happy Dreaming!


*Originally posted January 25, 2021

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